Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Beauty and Charm Course

Week 1, Day 2- Monday

Today is the day that I started the 14-day reducing diet in the book.  Let me repeat again, I HATE DIETING... but this one doesn't seem too bad.  You see, my biggest problem is sweets. Namely soda- cherry Coke or Pepsi.  This diet, as with most diets, doesn't allow sugar except that which is naturally found in fruits.  They say that day 3 or 4 on a diet is usually the hardest.  The first day you're pumped and inspired, the second day you're still pumped, but becoming drained, and by day 3 or 4, the sugar cravings kick in.  You get these sugar cravings because your body is used to having out of whack insulin levels and once you eliminate sugar (mostly) from you diet, your insulin levels are trying to get back to normal.  Usually the first week is the hardest, and I figure if I can get through day 3 and 4, then I'll be okay.

First things first- Anita has some very specific rules:

1. Fruit and fruit juices should be without sugar.
2. Beverages should be without cream and sugar, but you can use saccharine if you have to. (Eew. I'll pass.)
3. Vegetables are to be steamed without using fats or sauces.
4. All meats, fish, and poultry are to be lean and fat-free, boiled, broiled, or roasted.
5. Eat salads or clear soups to start meals.

Additionally, you are to follow these steps:

Every day- Drink 4 to 6 glasses of water, BETWEEN  meals and not during.

In the morning (before breakfast)- Drink a mixture of juice of 1/2 lemon in a half glass of hot water (with a straw).

During the day- Take 1 tsp of cod liver oil, or the equivalent in capsule form.

Before going to bed- Drink 1 cup of warm skim milk with 1/2 tbsp of wheat germ.

She instructs that you cannot skip any of the foods in the menu, buuuut, I'm not about to eat boiled tongue, so I did substitute a few things.

So this day, my first few meals consisted of:

Dried apricots
Poached egg
Whole wheat toast
Cottage cheese
Skim milk
Tomato soup
Low-fat lunch meat (a substitution for broiled lamb chop)
Steamed chopped spinach
Skim milk
Baked potato
Crisp lettuce w/ lemon juice dressing
Fresh pear
Skim milk
(I did skip eating boiled ham because I had eaten so much ham the week before for Christmas, that I just couldn't bear the thought.)
The whole day's food should have equaled to LESS than 1000 calories. Not too shabby, huh?
Now, here comes the part where I admit that I didn't follow my diet/exercise plan to a "T" this day.  The reason: New Year's Eve.  I did have a few high calorie drinks and I did have some "nosh" food, but it was a special occasion and I new that it would not dampen my zeal to stick to my diet the rest of the 2 weeks.  See, that's the thing about dieters- when we cheat once, we feel that we've ruined it all and we might as well give up.  But if you have the attitude that you'll just get right back on the horse and pick up where you left off, then more of us would have greater willpower.  So hate me if you must, but I'm not ashamed.
I also didn't do my stretching and exercises before bed because, well, I was a little tipsy.  BUT! I did manage to wash my face and makup off! And I remembered to drink my warm milk and wheat germ before bed.  So at the end of the day, I still did well.
As for my beauty course, the second day was focusing on caring for your body, namely how to bathe it properly.  She instructs you to use a nail brush to clean you fingers and toe nails everyday and a bath brush to get to those hard to reach places such as your shoulders and back.  Before getting in the shower/bath, you should apply body oil to any areas that are dry such as elbows, knees, or heels. Then scrub using the body brush with a pure soap or a pumice stone if the skin is very dry.  Rub body oil into your hands, really clean around and between your toes and apply foot powder in the summer. Scrub, scrub, scrub!
She also talks about ways to get the most out of a bath and really make it a theuraputic experience. Now, I know how to get the most out of a bath.  There was a time when I would fill the tub with either beautifully scented bubble bath or a mixture of oil and bath salts.  I would lay in there forever it seemed, refilling the hot water, and just drifting away.  After having my son, I forgot all of that, so it's great to get back into doing it again.
After bathing, she instructs to towel off briskly in the winter and pat dry in the summer so as to not overheat yourself. Then you can apply cologne, powder, oils, or whatever you like.  I've always sprayed a body mist on myself just after toweling off, while my skin is still damp.  The skin really soaks up the scent and you're smelling beautiful all day long.  On days when I'm getting ready for a show or special occassion, I'll also apply a scented poweder to my arms, shoulders, neck, and breasts to add another touch of sweetness.
Last thing that she goes into in this section is another lecture on posture.  I did not do the exercise that she suggests on this day because of the whole stumbling into bed thing, but I did do it the next day, Tuesday.  Basically, you lie on you back with knees bent and "tip" your pelvis forward. Then contract your abdominal muscles to pull stomach down and flatten lower back on floor. She suggests doing this 16 times, eventually working your way to doing it with legs outstretched and then finally, with back against a wall. Soon, your body should be able to unconsciously remember good posture.
That was my second day! 

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