Monday, December 31, 2012

Beauty and Charm Course

Week 1, Day 1- Sunday

Yesterday I began the first day of Anita Colby's beauty and charm course as laid out in her Beauty Book.  First step on my way to a more beautiful me- wash that damn face, gurrrrl. 

Cleansing Your Face

Anita lays out the different types of skin- normal, combination, oily, dry- and the best ways to wash and clean them.  I have normal skin, not dry, not oily, just kinda... normal.  She advices not to wash your face with any special expensive soaps or cleansers. She says that the best way to beautiful skin is to eat what she calls "beauty-clean" foods, so that you feed your skin from the inside out, and to wash with soap and water.  Here, she says, is all you need:

1. Clean hands.  Only touch your face with "fanatically" clean hands.
2. A pure, bland soap with no special perfumes, chemicals, or dyes.
3. Soft water.
4. A set of clean, soft washcloths and towels that only you will be using. Wash you washcloths in very hot water before using and to use your fingertips to massage the soap into your face, behind your ears, on the back of your neck, and under your chin. Oh, and dry your face very well.

Now, for my skin (normal), she says to wash morning and night with the mild bland soap and lukewarm water.  I use Neutrogena Naturals facial soap, if you were wondering.  After massaging the soap into my skin in a circular motion, upward and outward, I will rinse at least 3 times, the last time with cold water.  Now, it does take a few more rinses to get all the soap off, and that is okay.  But I must admit that I like to splash cold water on my face A LOT. When I was younger and thoroughly obsessed with every little tidbit I get find out about Marilyn Monroe, I read where her first husband said that she would rinse her face 16 times with cold water.  So being the fan that I was, I rinsed my face the same way. But I digress. I must say though, I really love the feeling of icy cold water on my face. Plus, it wakes you up like no other thing can.

So yesterday, I got up and dragged my half awake behind to the bathroom sink to start my new daily beauty ritual. Not too bad.  Then I did it last night before bed, which actually made my skin feel incredibly soft when I woke up this morning. Now remember... I don't wash my face except when I'm in the shower and use a bit of cleanser. But even that is only once or twice a WEEK.  So time will tell if there is a more noticeable change.

Your Posture

The other first step in my beauty and charm course is establishing good posture.  For this she had a little exercise: Hang a weight string down the middle of a full length mirror and stand down the middle of the string.  Starting with your feet parallel and toes point forward, lean your weight forward onto the balls of your feet. This is your "Foundation Block".

Next you tuck your tailbone down to the floor, at the same time contracting your abdominal muscles just below your navel. When you stand with your pelvis pointed down, then "it spills out your innards, gives you a bulging stomach and sway back".  Eeww. Not a good visual.  But after standing up straight like she instructs, you can definitely SEE a difference in the way your shape looks and how flat your tummy is.  Hell, it looked like I was a few inches smaller in my waist!  When you've aligned your pelvic region, this establishes your "Trunk Block", which then sets up your "Shoulder Block".

Last thing in establishing your good posture is to keep pulling upward so that the straight line going up your spine continues to the crown of your head. She says that if you don't hold good posture here, then the vertebrae holding up your head will drop and give you a double chin.  And this is your "Head Block".

So now that I have PERFECT posture... it's on to exercise!


She recommends a few warm-up stretches in the morning when you wake up and then again at night before doing your nightly exercises.  These warm-ups include:

The Elastic Band- lying in bed or one the ground and stretching the right side from toes to finger tips, repeat on left, 4x.

Then stand in a doorway and stretch from your toes, through your hip and rib cage, and up through your fingertips, touching the top of the doorframe.  Repeat.

The Cat Stretch- Basically the same arched-back exercise as cat pose in yoga, but adding in stretching out each leg behind you one at a time like a cat when they stretch. All 3 stetches done 6x each.

The Knee-Chest Position- While down on hands and knees, fold hans down in front of you and lay head on hands.  Bring hips up until they are almost a straight line down from floor and push your chest towards the floor.  Push down towards the floor 5x.

Now when it comes to the exercises, Anita recommends worrying mostly about the areas of your body that either need building up or slimming down.  She puts forth at least 3 different exercises for each part of the body- the "bosom", the waist, the hips, legs, calfs, and ankles, thighs, knees, and inner thighs.  I thought it would be fun to try doing a couple workouts for each part of the body.  Most of these are just stretching exercises, with no real hardcore sweating involved.  I don't think I burned any calories doing them, but just like yoga or pilates, I'm sure they helped more than I realize. 

These exercises didn't take me more than 5 minutes for the warm-ups and 20 minutes for the special exercises.  I felt great when I finally laid down in bed (after washing my face, of course.) and I didn't wake up with any strained muscles, which is good.  But I think mama is going to get herself an eliptical for future exercising once this experiment is over.

What do you think of my first day?


Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Beauty and Charm Course

It was over a year ago that I found a book called Anita Colby's Beauty Book on Etsy and jumped at ordering it. The book, which had its first printing in 1952, was written by model and actress Anita Colby.  Early in her career Anita was dubbed "The Face" and was one of the highest paid models of the time. She was hired by David O. Selznick as Feminine Director of Selznick Studios, and was charged with teaching young actresses such as Joan Fontaine, Jennifer Jones, and Rita Hayworth beauty, poise, and publicity. 

                                                                          Anita Colby

She wrote her Beauty Book to include all her tips, tricks, and secrets that she taught her famous starlets.  The book includes a 14-day reducing diet and a 4-week beauty and charm course.  I've read this book practically cover to cover in the time that I've had it, but never attempted the diet and beauty/charm course.  Now with the start of a new year, I figured why the hell not? And I'll blog about my experience too!  So, this outta be fun...

I'll be the first to admit- I HATE exercise. I HATE having to eat "healthy" or diet.  So, I generally don't. But I'm not getting any younger and my body is starting to tell me that I can't eat whatever I want anymore or do whatever I want and always have the strength and flexibility to do it. Add to it that I know I'm not the best at, say, washing my face after a long gig.  Nope, I just normally pull the false eyelashes off, wipe off the lipstick and fall into bed.  I'm also a stay-at-home mom and housewife, so I generally don't look like Cherie when I'm at home. But I'd like to look, and most importantly feel like Cherie all the time. Beyond that, it's just fun to run through the steps that famous stars such as Ingrid Bergman and Ginger Rogers did when trying to look, feel, and act their best. So this shall be a fun little exercise for the next month, and who knows? Maybe I'll learn a thing or two.

Anita believes that eating healthy foods, exercise, good posture, regular skin maintenance, and lots of fresh air are CRUCIAL for wellness and beauty.  Now this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has ever read a diet book or health and beauty magazine, and it's certainly no surprise to me.  First, she wants you to take your measurements and record them. She gives an example of what a young movie star's (in the 40s and 50s, mind you) ideal measurements are:

Height- 5'6" (Check)
Wrist- 6 1/4" (Check)
Bust- 35" (I'm a bit bigger than this)
Waist- 10 inches smaller- 25, not over 26 (Uh... not even close. But I believe it with the tiny tiny waist these actresses had back then.)
Hips- 35", not over 36" (Just measured, and I'm a little over this number. When did that happen? Geesh.)
Calf is 4 or 5 inches larger than ankle
Ankle- 8 1/4" (My calf would be just a touch bit bigger, but my ankle measurement is spot on.)

Looks like I may have some work to do...

She also includes a weight table by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in the book to determine your type of body frame- small, medium, or large (mine is small, who knew?). From there you're able to determine your ideal weight for your frame and height. Mine should be anywhere between 123 and 132lbs. I'd like to be somewhere in the middle of that, but currently, am not. Bummer.

I'm excited to start this beauty course, which begins on a Sunday (yes, the days are set in the book), so I will be starting tomorrow morning! The diet starts on a Monday, so I will be starting that in a couple of days. I hope you have fun reading up on my little experiment!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Someday I'll Get Around to It

I don't know what makes me think I can keep up with a blog, but this is the second such one I've started and left sitting idle for many months.  But... I know there was a reason I did it, so I shall continue. Many, many things are always happening both in my personal and professional life. If anyone cares enough to keep abreast (hehe, get it?) of any new developments, then I shall update them.

One of New Year's resolutions is to become better at marketing myself, and I planned to use my blog for just that purpose.  But with the ever expanding use of social networking, it is becoming harder to maintain my Facebook page (, Twitter account (, my email account(s), email lists, this blog, and of course, my website (  Oh! And then there's updating my youtube account with new videos. Le sigh.

But marketing my shows and appearances isn't the only thing I'll be doing.  I also want to use my blog to "introduce" myself to my fans.  Did you know I LOVE to cook and bake? Well, I do! I'll share favorite recipes and tips.  I also collect vintage aprons.  I'm sure there will be a blog post about those with pictures of myself modeling each.  Plus tons and tons of other goodies, so stay tuned.

Being more proactive and marketing myself better... it's time to stop saying "Someday I'll get around to it."
